Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This is an extrordinary visual movie that captures the life of the world. Baraka holds and important meaning of blessing in many different cultures and religions. This word is the perfect title to this movie. It is truley a blessing to be apart of this world and all it has to offer. What I interpreted the movie to be about is people and their similarities. Looking at individual people we come in all shapes, colors and sizes and speak many different languages and live very differently but at the same time we are very much alike. Reguardless of what culture your from or what god you believe in our similarites are amazing. Every individual on this earth belongs to a group that influences the way they think and act and they practice certain rituals and raise their children in certain ways and pray , eat, live and die.
The circle of life is what connects the world together the same as the environment. I learned in this class that the circle of life is what helps us to survive on this planet and without every species doing their job we would not be able to survive. The same goes for human beings within their cultures. If we all didn't procriate we would no longer exist, if we didnt plant seeds, and hunt animals and build housing we would not be able to live in this world.
This movie unite the world in such a vivid and beautiful way and makes the viewer appreciate themselves and others. We all have beliefs and rituals for different aspects of our life such as becoming a woman or man, having a baby, getting married and forming families, weddings, dying. We all celebrate and go throught these stages in our life and this movie without words shows us the similarities in our lives. It showed cultures, it shows the enviroment and it shows how we all are connected.

Great Movie

1 comment:

neoselvafoundation said...


You have done a great job on your blog! Very informative and clear. I would like to see what else you will do with your blog. Keep up with the good work, you will have a very sucessful profesional carrier. Great essay about Baraka!