Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This is an extrordinary visual movie that captures the life of the world. Baraka holds and important meaning of blessing in many different cultures and religions. This word is the perfect title to this movie. It is truley a blessing to be apart of this world and all it has to offer. What I interpreted the movie to be about is people and their similarities. Looking at individual people we come in all shapes, colors and sizes and speak many different languages and live very differently but at the same time we are very much alike. Reguardless of what culture your from or what god you believe in our similarites are amazing. Every individual on this earth belongs to a group that influences the way they think and act and they practice certain rituals and raise their children in certain ways and pray , eat, live and die.
The circle of life is what connects the world together the same as the environment. I learned in this class that the circle of life is what helps us to survive on this planet and without every species doing their job we would not be able to survive. The same goes for human beings within their cultures. If we all didn't procriate we would no longer exist, if we didnt plant seeds, and hunt animals and build housing we would not be able to live in this world.
This movie unite the world in such a vivid and beautiful way and makes the viewer appreciate themselves and others. We all have beliefs and rituals for different aspects of our life such as becoming a woman or man, having a baby, getting married and forming families, weddings, dying. We all celebrate and go throught these stages in our life and this movie without words shows us the similarities in our lives. It showed cultures, it shows the enviroment and it shows how we all are connected.

Great Movie

Mini Project 6 Final Project!

After the tragic events that took place on September 11th, 2001 is has become obvious that the nation must protect itself from terrorist attacks. Terrorism can come in many shapes and forms and one of the newest way that terrorist can attack our nation is through Bioterrorism. Bioterrorism is defined as the intenitonal release of germs or other biological substances such as toxins and poisons that can cause illness and death among people, also genetically engineered agents such as anthrax, botulism ect.

The thought of some type of chemicals being released into our environment is very disturbing. Being a NYC resident the health department provides vital information that can help us be prepared for such attacks.

This website provides emergency preparedness and response techniques. It also provides detail general and techinical information on both biological and chemical threats that may be used by terrorist. This website also provides addresses, phone numbers and office hours to local poison control centers. Also provided is medical preparedness references and resources.
Provided are symptoms that may be present due to bioterrorrism and the step by step procedures that should be taken during such attacks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mini Project 5 Pollution in Your Neighborhood

All proceeding information is provided by and can be found on

EPA defines a "superfund site as an uncontrolled or abandoned place where hazardous waste is located, possibly affecting local ecosystems or people."
"Superfunds help protect people and the environment from contamination and involve states, local communities, and other partner in cleanup."

The following information is found on NPL which is the national priorities list.

The closest Superfund Site to my home Woodmere, NY :
Peninsula Boulevard Groundwater plume
EPA ID - NYN000204407
Located in Nassau county, Pennisula Blvd and Hewlett, New York 11557
Population within one mile : 10,001-50,000
Contaminants found: within soil and other soiled based material, also in water and other liquid based material.
Clean up Progress Summary: clean up activities have not started.
Clean up Impact Summary: "EPA is working to determine whether under current conditions there are any potential or actual human exposures to contaminants at this site."

The closest Superfund Site to Nova Southeastern University, Davie Campus:
Davie Landfill
EPA ID - FLD980602288
Located in Broward county, SW 142nd Avenue, Davie, Florida 33314
Population within one mile: 1,001-5,000
Contaminants found: in ground water, sludge and soil
Clean up Progress Summary: Deleted from the NPL , cleanup has been completed.
Clean up Impact Summary: "Ok, under current conditions at this site, potential or actual human exposures are under control."

Chapter 5 Natural Resources in the Environment

Conservation of our natural resources is becoming a major issue as the world's population has risen to the highest numbers ever. With better healthcare and socioeconomic factors people are able to live longer and the population continues to grow everyday. As the population grows so does the usage of our natural resources. These natural resources such as soil, water, forest,wildlife, grazing lands, and minerals are being depleted from overusage and pollution. It is now time that the world learns to minimize the usage of these resources to conserve them for the future generations that will live on this earth.

On February 10th,2008 the Sun-Sentinel went green. They dedicated a whole section to going green.

One of the topics that was highlighted in this section was the conservation of water.

Turn off the tap: 5 easy steps to save water

Here is a summary from that article:
1. Look for leaks, leaks are an easy way to waste water and not even know it. "A leaky toilet can silently waste up to 200 gallons of water a day.
2. Stop running water- stop running the water while you brush your teeth, this could save a family of four 800 gallons of water a month.
3. Flush toliets only when necessary - each flush is 6 gallons of water.
4. Install water friendly products- purchase water saving showerheads, low flow faucets aerators, and front loading washing machines, use 40-60 percent less water and use less energy.
5. Keep a pitcher of cold water in the refrigerator - keeping a pitcher in the refrigerator you no longer have to wait for the water to run and get cold in order to get a glass of water.

These are all very easy adjustments that you could make in your life so that you can help do your part to help conserve water.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mini Project 4

Genetically Engineered Prepared Foods Approved For Commercial Sale
The Food and Drug Administration released the following partial list of foods that tested positive for genetic modification in September 1999:
Canola oil, Radicchio, Corn Cotton, Papaya, Potato, Soybean, Squash, Tomato
Genetically Engineered Prepared Foods Approved For Commercial Sale
Alpo Dry Pet Food; Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix; Ball Park Franks; Betty Crocker Bac-O's; Boca Burger Chef Max's Favorite; Bravo's Tortilla Chips; Duncan Hines Cake Mix; Enfamil ProSobee Soy Formula; Frito-Lay Corn Chips; Gardenburger; General Mills Total Corn Flakes Cereal; Heinz 2 Baby Food; Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix; Kellogg's Corn Flakes; McDonald's McVeggie Burgers; Morningstar Farms Better'n Burgers; Morningstar Farms Harvest Burgers; Nestle Carnation Alsoy Infant Formula; Old El Paso Taco Shells; Ovaltine Malt Powdered Beverage Mix; Post Blueberry Morning Cereal; Quaker Chewy Cranola Bars; Quaker Yellow Corn Meal; Quick Loaf Bread Mix; Similac Isomil Soy Formula; Ultra Slim Fast.

Information provided by

Also this website is very helpful in explaining the procedure of genitic engeered food and the effects of society. This website may shock you. Statistics show that more than half of the population is concerned about what we consume. This website will be able to tell you the list of food and you may be able to alter you diets to have a genitic altered free diet.

Miami Circle

In chapter 4 a controvery is discussed between the city of Miami, Florida and Michael Baumann. The controversy is disputing whether or not an ancient Tequesta Indian burial ground should be preserved or should Mr. Baumann be allowed to build his skyrise of condominiums.

The land was previously inhabited by the Taquesta tribe. This tribe's history can be found in this burial site. Many people feel as though this land should be preserved and early on many people of many different cultures were willing to fight for the cause. The support for this project seemed to have diminished when people were asked to donate to help with this cause. This issue has now gain national support but money seems to still be an issue.
Micheal Baumann had previously purchased the property for $8 million dollars and had a projected profit of $126 millions dollars. He was unaware of this ancient burial ground and has been very cooperative with the city of Miami but feels as though he should be compensated $50 million dollars.
My question to the readers is as follows: What is to much to pay to preserve our land and in the end is it even worth it when the locals are not willing to contribute at all to the preservation of this land?
By building these condiminiums it will help boost the economy in this area and provide many jobs for poeple in the area. Which would the poeple of Miami prefer and what are the living members of the Tequesta tribe saying about this issue.

For further information please visit