Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Global warming!!!

Previously we learned about the Carbon cycle but now I would like to explain one of the detrimental effects of Carbon dioxide. One of the major enviornmental concerns is global warming. Global warming is an overall increase in world temperatures which may be caused by additional heat being trapped by greenhouse

The major cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, kerosene.
The effects of global warming is increased heat which can cause major chaos in our environment. Increased heat is causing the melting of glaciers, is the cause of brush fires and may also be the cause of strange weather across the countries. Many cities are experienceing warm winters and other are recieving weather such as tornados during the winter months when this is something that is only experienced in the warming months.

As a community we need to come together to help slow down this process. We need to get out more, use public transportation, drive less to burn less gas. Gas prices are already to high save money and help the envirnoment!! Car pool, buy hybrid vehicles. Any little thing that one can do to help will make a difference. This is our world and if we want our future generations to enjoy life we need to do what we can to help maintain the earth for the future.


KeAnn said...

Thank you for this information concerning our environment. I have always heard about global warming but, never understood what it was about or what caused it. This makes me think about what I could do to help our environment. I did not know the impact that all th fuel we use daily has on the environment. It made me think about how many times I drive my car in one day. I should try to carpool with my co-workers or even think about investiong in a hybrid vechicle. Awareness is the only way to make changes.

Teressa said...

Great information. I always heard everyone talking about global warming but I never really knew what was going on or what exactly global warming was. A lot of things that go on in the environment..are at times beyond our control...but when it comes to global warming; there really are things that we can do to help this issue. As you said, carpool and things like that. I never really knew that the fuel from our cars could do such damage.

Martine said...

Great Post! Most of us do not understand or chose to ignore the importance of a clean environment. Although I read and understand the negative impact of global warming, I never thought I could make a difference. You are absolutely correct about comming together as a community and making a change. It starts with one person. Thanks for the information.

tatra said...

Great breakdown of Global Warming!Lately I've been hearing the presidential canidates speak of the issue but never really paid it any attention. It definately is an issue. Just last night those terrible tornado's hit the United States and more bad weater is expected today. I believe that all of the major floods and storms that have occurred are definately impacted by global warming. It great to see you taking the time to inform people like myself that never would have read up about the issue.